5 Humidifying Plants to Beat the Dry Indoor Air

Indoor plants have gained popularity in the recent times. The foliage conspires a moisture driven surrounding along with offering lush greenery. Moreover, they add a dashing vibe to the inner décor, adding a touch of natural appeal. But did you know that the trendy greens come with umpteen benefits. Read on to enfold them.
While some plants come with great aesthetic appeal, others offer medicinal benefits. Then there are plants that humidify the air. Yes, you heard that right! There are plants that can add moisture to the indoor air and offer a lot of health benefits. When you have the right level of humidity in the air, it can help:
- Relieve dry skin and lips
- Prevent nose bleeding
- Soothe dry sinuses and nasal irritation
- Prevent dry throat
- Reduce chances of allergies and infections
Plants help in increasing the humidity in the air with the help of a process known as evapotranspiration. Water from the soil makes its way up to the roots of the plants through the stems and up to the leaves. It is evaporated into the air through pores on the leaves known as stomata.
If you also wish to add humidity to your indoors, you need to choose the right plants. Here’s a look at the plants which can help in humidifying the air:
- Lady Palm
Lady Palm is a low-maintenance plant. It is a dense plant and needs moderate sunlight and water. The plant grows well in the bright light, but it is flexible enough to grow in even low-light areas. However, with lower light, it will grow at a slower pace. Lady Palms should be watered well only when the surface gets dry. Therefore, you should always check the soil before you water the plant.
- Boston Fern
Boston Fern not only adds moisture to the air but also removes toxins from indoor air. And they are lush green and simply gorgeous. In order to keep the plant happy and healthy, you need to water it often in a way that the soil remains moist. However, make sure that it gets a lot of indirect sunlight. Place it in a bright part of the room. You can occasionally mist the fern leaves with a little spray bottle. This will keep the plant perky.
- Peace Lily

Peace Lily not only smells great but also humidifies the air. They are tropical evergreen plants that produce gorgeous white flowers in the summer. Peace Lily grows up to 16 inches tall, but it can also grow longer if the right growing conditions are offered. The plant flourishes well in a warm room with good sunlight. It needs moist soil.
Suppose you happen to forget watering no need to worry as it better than being overwatered. However, keep Peace Lily away from cats, as lilies are toxic for felines.
- Golden Pothos
Golden Pothos is also known as Devil’s Ivy vine as it is impossible to kill the plant. You might forget to water it or give light, but it will still remain green. The plant thrives in brighter places and needs some water. You should let it dry between the watering.
The trailing stem grows as long as you want them to grow. This makes Golden Pothos perfect for hanging planters or placing them on a higher shelf.
- Dwarf Date Palm
Dwarf Date Palms are also known as pygmy date palms. They are actually mini versions of the palm trees. The plant helps in keeping the room’s air clean and increase humidity. Dwarf Date Palms are super easy to maintain. They can grow between 6 to 12 feet tall when offered bright and indirect sunlight along with moisture. However, avoid soaking wet soil. They prefer a toasty ambiance, so don’t place them near a window or cold place.
Investing in these indoor plants will help in maintaining moisture in the air. Dry air can be a cause of several health issues, from irritated eyes to sinus and skin to respiratory conditions. Therefore, it is important to have the right humidity levels in the air. Have at least 2-3 average-sized plants indoors. It is always better to have natural humidifiers than to invest in machines.